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Emergency Services

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Dental emergency services are rare, but sometimes you can’t avoid them. It is important that you know what type of dental emergencies which need this type of urgent care. So what are the common dental emergencies that requires immediate treatment? Take a look

Trauma and bleeding

Normally when one of your teeth falls, the tooth socket bleeds for a few minutes and then stops. The problem is that blood clots can dislodge and cause further bleeding if the patient chews something hard. Trauma that dislodged teeth may also cause severe bleeding. A dentist specializing in emergency services would attempt to control the bleeding through the application of pressure on the affected area for about fifteen to thirty minutes. They may use a hemostatic agent if compressing is not effective. Suturing the area is the last resort.

Fractured teeth

Another reason to seek emergency dentist is fractured teeth. Fractures in permanent teeth, especially those that reach all the way into the teeth’s inner layers, require immediate dental care to prevent pulpal infection. What the emergency dentist would does is to place dentine padding on the affected part. You have to see a dentist within 24 hours to make sure they’re no complications.

Post dental surgery complications

Post dental surgery complications are also situations that may require urgent care. Post extraction pain does not require medical attention. Some discomfort is normal after an extraction, and it usually fades after a few hours. However, if the condition persists and painkillers do not work, you will have to see a dentist to check for other problems that may have cropped such a jaw fracture or a dry socket.

Lost dental fillings

This problem can create complications. Food or debris can stick to the teeth, which in turn can cause pain and infection.

Chipped or broken teeth

Broken or chipped teeth are among the most common problems that emergency dentists treat on a regular basis. It might be that you’ve slipped and chipped your tooth or that a tooth has come completely loose. You should put the tooth into a glass of milk or salted water to keep it safe and protected but be aware that the tooth will need to be reattached within 1 hour of it falling out. The dentist will assess whether the damage is purely aesthetic or whether the root of your tooth has been damaged as well. If it is only cosmetic, you can then discuss the options available to you.

Loose Crowns and Fillings

Filling and crowns are far more secure nowadays than they used to be but they can still become dislodged especially where the tooth beneath the filling has become more damaged. In this instance, the tooth can become very painful and while it isn’t a big emergency, you may still like to have the problem sorted as soon as possible. When a crown has fallen out, you should visit a dentist as soon as possible as other teeth can start to move into the gap created.


There are many causes of a toothache from wisdom teeth coming through to abscesses that need treating as soon as possible. Many people put off going to the dentist and assume that the pain will go away but it is better that you get it checked out in case it is an infection or something serious. The longer you let the problem take, the more difficult it will be to treat. You can help by rinsing your mouth out with lightly salted water, remember not to swallow it. This can help to calm irritating wisdom tooth or gum pain.

Gum injuries

Gum injuries could be caused by anything from hard food like popcorns to non-food items like toothpicks. Once injured, your gum may develop a wound that is prone to infections. These infections could spread all over the mouth and cause a lot of damage. It could also cause damage to both the blood vessels and nerves in your mouth. Pain and mouth sores would arise out of this, and at sometimes these will be quite uncomfortable. In case of such an emergency, a dentist will be able to give you the best treatment as soon as possible.

Dental problems can be easily be dealt with before they become compounded complications. Not only should you be keen about your teeth, but you also need to care for your gums. Injuries to the teeth are usually obvious and you will definitely know when they occur. On the other hand, injuries to the gums are often not considered serious and many people tend to ignore them. This should not be the case.

Emergency Problems

Some dental problems develop over time due to exposure to elements such as heat, cold or even pressure. For example, if you had a cavity and it got filled, it is prone to damage. Over time the filling could wear off, leaving your tooth exposed again and this could be painful. You may also feel your tooth crack when chewing something hard and at other times it will get chipped and eventually break off. The whole crown of your tooth may even fall off in some cases.

These are among the many things that an emergency dentist will be able to deal with. Other cases can be very delicate, such as when a foreign object punctures and remains stuck in your gum. If not removed, such objects could lead to severe irritation and eventual infection. If you are unable to get it out on your own, an emergency dentist would be able to take good care of your oral health. Ensure that you go as soon as possible because even if it is painless, it could readily get infected.


Don’t wait until an emergency occurs, as this will make you rush to the nearest clinic without determining if they’re efficient and reliable or not. Look for clinics with dental emergency services at night and on weekends to make sure they’re available no matter when your accident or emergency occurs. Emergency dentists can help with a range of problems. If you are in pain or think that you need medical treatment, it is best to make an appointment straight away.